The US often gets Indian food wrong due to cultural misunderstandings. Dishes like tikka masala, which is a British invention, are mistakenly perceived as Indian. Indian cuisine is not just a single type of food but rather a vast array of regional dishes and flavors. Each region has its own unique set of ingredients, spices, and flavors that make up its cuisine. Furthermore, Indian food can range from the mild and subtle to the fiery and intense. To truly appreciate and understand Indian food, one must take the time to explore all its nuances and complexities. It is important to appreciate the culture that has shaped the cuisine and understand the differences between regions.

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This article looks at the common perception that Indian food is always spicy, and whether this is true. It examines the variety of Indian cuisine, and the regional differences in spice levels. It also examines the role of chilli peppers in Indian cooking, and how this contributes to the perception of spice. It concludes that Indian food is not always spicy, and that there are a variety of regional and cultural factors that can influence the flavors of Indian cuisine.

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